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5 Vacation Safety Tips for Kids

Safety Tips for Kids

Looking for essential safety tips for kids during your family vacation? While we often picture vacation as the pinnacle of relaxation, it can quickly become stressful and overwhelming with kids. We prepare lists and pack for many people, and just like we plan ahead for lodging, food, and fun, safety is also on our radar. Here are five vacation safety tips from your friends at GameTruck. 

Tip 1: Make Sure to have a plan if you get separated.

Even with intense preparation, a parent’s worst nightmare can become a reality: losing your child. One of the best things to help prevent this situation is having a conversation(s) about what to do if they get separated from you. 

Before you enter your destination, ensure that everyone knows what color and types of clothing the family is wearing. If someone gets lost, you will be able to give information to others. 

Additionally, teach children that if they do get lost to stop, breathe, and look. They need to stop moving, take big breaths, and look around in a circle for you. 

Tip 2: Consider a SafetyTat.

A SafetyTat is a temporary, water-resistant tattoo with important information on it. If a child gets lost, they may not know or forget your information due to fear. A SafetyTat is pre-printed with your contact information. It also can include vital information like “non-verbal” needed for a friendly adult trying to assist your child. Allergies can also be printed onto a SafetyTat.  

Tip 3: Wear bright clothing. 

The easiest way to stand out is to be memorable. The same applies to this safety principle; plus, you can turn it into a fun family activity. From matching family outfits to themed days, if someone gets separated, you’ll easily be able to spot them and give identifiable information to others. This can also remind kids not to follow someone who does not match the group, bringing to mind “stranger danger.” 

Plus, fun or matching outfits can make for some adorable vacation pictures. 

Tip 4: Use glow sticks. 

Who said safety couldn’t be fun? Glow sticks are the perfect item for nighttime safety. Kids will love wearing them as necklaces or bracelets while being illuminated for others to see them. Consider putting glow sticks on any items necessary for child care, like strollers, so those can be visible to others.

Tip 5: Do a disinfectant sweep of your lodging. 

While we’d like to trust that our accommodations were adequately cleaned before arriving, that may not always be the case. At GameTruck, we value safety by cleaning all areas and equipment properly before the next party. If you have questions about our cleaning procedures, contact your local GameTruck

No one wants to get sick during or from their party; the same is true for vacation. Consider doing a disinfectant sweep through your lodging to protect your family from any nasty germs that could ruin your vacation. 

Vacations are fun and relaxing yet require a lot of preparation in many areas. Use one or all of these safety tips for kids to rock your family vacation, keeping your kids safe while having fun! 

Check out our previous blog post on "5 vacation ideas you need to try" for more ideas on how to make your family vacation memorable and enjoyable!

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