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Eight Reasons why Family Time is Vital

Family Time

We all know that family time is essential, but sometimes, it can be challenging. Kids don’t cooperate. Those “easy, fool-proof” Pinterest projects fail miserably. Work can drain us. Life is hard, and sometimes it’s just too much.

If you know family time is important but are feeling beaten-down, exhausted, or overwhelmed, then this list is for you. Be encouraged. You’re doing a great job. It doesn’t have to be expensive, grand, or look Instagram worthy, but every moment you spend with them is priceless even if you can’t see the positive effects you’re having on your kids. This time is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing. It comes in many forms: cuddles, in-depth conversations, game night, doing housework together, and many other things! 

Investing in your family can happen in both the mundane and the special planned events. So whether you’re planning a big family movie night or building forts together to keep them entertained, the quality time you spend with them being emotionally and physically present is invaluable. Here are eight ways you bless your kids through quality time. 

The next time you feel exhausted or defeated with family time, remember these eight ways that you are blessing your family and making them stronger. 

1. Children Perform Better Academically

Children with parents who invest in their academic careers tend to perform better academically. From helping with homework to teaching them how to learn or study, quality time spent in this way can increase your child’s success short and long term. 

2. It Can Lower the Risk of Behavioral Problems

When children feel connected to their parents, they’re more likely to seek advice or bring forward problems that may have otherwise remained unresolved. This is especially important as children enter adolescence. 

3. It Can Improve Relationship Dynamics

Family can be stressful and complex. It can be difficult to navigate, but continually investing in these relationships leads to stronger bonds, deeper connections, and a better understanding of one another. This can drastically improve relationship dynamics in the day-to-day. 

4. Children Learn Parenting Skills

“Little eyes.” “Little ears.” Children imitate us. Family time is a great way to model positive parenting skills that they can use in the future with their children and possibly currently with their siblings. 

5. Fulfills Emotional Needs

It can be hard to verbalize what we need. When the home is a safe and open place for the whole family, everyone can say what they need. Quality time helps meet the emotional needs of both parents and children through being emotionally present in these times. 

6. Promotes Spiritual Vibrancy

In a recent Barna study, one of the key factors researchers discovered for a spiritually vibrant home was whether or not a family spent time together. The more likely a family connected, the greater chances of genuine spiritual conversations and connections occurred. 

7. It Can Help Children Learn Emotional Regulation

How did you handle the last time your Pinterest project failed, or the kids refused to cooperate during family time? While incredibly frustrating, these are valuable teaching moments where children can learn emotional regulation by watching how you handle the situation. 

8. Models the Importance of Community

Family time allows for a genuine connection between everyone. During these times, someone may open up about a struggle or hardship they’re faced with. This can provide an opportunity for kids to learn how to put others first.

Family time may not always be picture-perfect. Things can get messy, thrown together last minute, or spontaneous, and that’s part of family time’s beauty. Family time looks different from family to family but still positively affect everyone. The next time you feel exhausted or defeated with family time, remember these eight ways that you are blessing your family and making them stronger.

If you're looking for exciting ways to enhance your family time, consider hosting a GameTruck party. Learn more about our unique gaming experience and how it can create unforgettable memories for your family.

For more ideas on family activities, check out our blog post on "Creating Schedules for Children (6 Tips)".

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