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Birthday Party Pricing

GameTruck offers a wide variety of packages and event addons for birthdays and other events. We want to make your party easy, stress-free, and most importantly, an amazing experience for you and your guests.

Video Games Pricing

Video Game Party

Online gaming now included with every event. Enjoy state of the art game trailers, highest rated service with 6 TV's, 12-14 of the latest game consoles, 90+ video games to choose from in each gaming trailer. Party is geared toward 16 players or less. ANY EVENT WITH MORE THAN 16 will incur a one time $50 fee. Max guest count for this package is 25. PARKING FOR THE GAMETRUCK IS RESERVED ONLY FOR THE STREET in front of the home or business location. We are unable to park in alleys, driveways or anywhere other than the street location. Events that need to reschedule will be subject to a $100 reschedule fee unless it is due to weather related road conditions such as ice or snow.

Great for up to 16 guests. Recommended for ages 6 and up.

Party Length Price
1.5 Hour Party $360
2 Hour Party $399
Book Online

Every party includes...

  • Fully equipped GameTruck® theater with game library
  • PartyLink Digital Invites or Download & Print invitations
  • Certified GameCoach to run the event

Online gaming included PartyLink Digital Invites Certified GameCoach Fully equipped GameTruck® theater with game library 16 or fewer kids/guests; more than 16 will incur a one-time $50 fee. MAX guest count for this package is 25. Events that need to reschedule may incur a $100 reschedule fee.

LaserTag Pricing

Elite Lasertag Party

Elite lasertag offers real time scoring which is output to a computer screen. Available games include domination, defender, and golden gun in addition to team battle and free for all. Elite taggers have an 800 foot outdoor range and immediate stats and feedback on the tagger itself. Recommended for age 8 and older. Minimum age requirement is 7 years old. Access to a power source within 50 feet is recommended. ANY EVENT WITH MORE THAN 19 WILL INCUR A ONE TIME 50$ FEE. Max guest count for this package is 25 Events that need to reschedule will be subject to a $100 reschedule fee unless rain interferes with outdoor lasertag during the time of the event.

Great for up to 19 guests. Recommended for ages 7 and up.

Party Length Price
1 Hour Party $325
1.5 Hour Party $375
2 Hour Party $425
Book Online

Every party includes...

  • Taggers w/ Obstacles
  • PartyLink Digital Invites or Download & Print invitations
  • Certified GameCoach

Recommended for ages 8 and older. Minimum age requirement is 7 years old. A power source within 50 feet is recommended for Elite Lasertag. Groups larger than 19 will incur a $50 fee.

Want an even bigger party?

Power up your event by combining activites with our combo events . We can help you plan an amazing party. Contact us for your custom quote and event plan.

Call (866)253-3191 or request a call