Party Planning: Looking Past the Summer

Planning Past the Summer

As the United States begins to open again and people return to meet with friends and family, it seems fairly obvious that there is one area of our lives that many will miss out on the big reunion this summer. Schools. In many parts of the country, schools never quite got back to full in person classrooms and they ended just as summer arrived. With more people being vaccinated, we are looking ahead to anticipate what school will be like in the fall. While many are still being cautious, it feels inevitable that students will be returning to campus, following the lead of the major universities.
I bring this up now, because six to eight weeks from now is when school will be back in full tilt. In all my years of GameTruck, I have never seen a summer like this. Demand remains remarkably high as people reconnect and reunite. It stands to reason that the same thing will happen once school starts up in September around the country. This will impact not only schools, but also birthday parties. When parents return from family vacations, that is the time to celebrate with friends from class.
GameTruck Goes to School
There's no doubt that GameTruck is ideal for birthday parties, however over the years we have really dialed in the experiences for schools as well. School events are fundamentally different from birthdays in a number of important ways. First, fairness and everyone having an equal turn is of utmost importance in school events.

Having games that appeal to both boys and girls in equal measure is also very important. A birthday party can be a rowdy riot. However, at school no one wants a party to get out of hand. Therefore, our coaches work to keep everything fun, but orderly. The goal is to create a safe environment where all the kids are welcome to play.
To pull all this off usually means extra setup and tear down time to allow for entering and leaving school property. Pulling into a crowded school parking lot is quite a bit different than pulling up in front of someone's house. The main point is that the GameTruck staff understand these differences and they work to make sure the event is accessible, orderly, and most of all fun for as many players as possible.
More than Video Games

The other reason to plan ahead, is that many GameTruck franchise locations offer a wider variety of services, from LaserTag, to Gelly Ball, some have Soccer Darts, and GameTruck @Home (which can be brought inside a facility). Planning ahead can allow a school to secure all of these services.
By maximizing the number of kids who can play at the same time, schools can really stretch their engagement dollar.
Conclusion and Takeaway
As the reopening sweeps the country, more people than ever before are rushing to reunite and re-engage with friends. One critical part of our children's lives missed this wave - the schools. While the fall semester may feel far away, in just 6 to 8 weeks, kids will be back on campus.

Sooner than you think it will be time to start planning fall festivals, team celebrations, and fall birthdays. Leveraging our unique experience and staff, you can have an amazing event that brings people together through play.
So, mark your Calendars and don't wait until the last minute.
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