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Keep It Clean - GameTruck Hygiene Practices

Despite our best efforts, we all know kids can be kind of dirty. It’s hard when your young to fully understand the importance of washing your hands throughout the day. As much as we lecture our kids about germs, it’s not always effective. A snot-nosed kid is every parent's worst nightmare, and if one shows up to your party, it can be a breeding ground for germs. Here at GameTruck San Jose, you don’t have to worry about that thanks to a few of our safety precautions.

We Sanitize Everything

Before hosting each event, we have a thorough process to prevent the spread of germs and create a fun, stress-free environment for parents and children alike. After each event, the truck is sanitized entirely by our team to provide a safe and clean environment for our next guests. By sanitizing the truck between parties, we are offering an environment parents can be confident sending their children. Beyond that, we also make sure the controllers for each system are sanitized to prevent contamination.

Hand Sanitizer

Now you may be asking, how do we protect your kids once they’re all together? To keep things clean throughout the party we take a different approach. Hand sanitizer is provided for all children before entering the truck and after they leave to eliminate germs and bacteria. This way if something is going around we can combat the spread of germs within a confined space. Safe Space reports “Minimizing your exposure to other people’s germs is crucial for your health. When you take a moment to sanitize your hands a few times throughout the day, you reduce your chances of getting sick.” By ensuring the hands touching controllers are sanitized before and after interaction we are stopping the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Leave It To Us

Have peace of mind knowing all of you and your kids will be safe from germs at a GameTruck San Jose party. The only long-term effects will be the awesome stories your children tell about the greatest birthday party ever! As demonstrated by our hygiene practices Gametruck San Jose is committed to providing a safe space for your children. Call us at (408) 691-9144 for your birthday party needs!

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