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How to Keep Your Kids Safe During Halloween

Halloween is easily one of the most exciting holidays for kids. The idea of dressing up in their favorite superhero costume and getting candy from everyone is a dream coming true. For parents, however, it can be a stressful holiday. Strangers giving candy to my kids? Walking on the streets in the night? Streets crowded with people making it easy to get lost? A lot of kids wearing the same costume? Worry not, parents! We put together some tips to make Halloween a fun holiday for the kids and stress-free for you!

Check the Candy Before You Let Your Kids Eat It

After receiving the candy or when you get home after a fun Halloween night, check them. Does your child have any allergies and you need to make sure the candy is safe? Do you approve or disapprove of that particular candy for your kids? Is the candy a choking hazard for your young child? Do any of them seem unwrapped or contaminated?. It's not possible to check every piece of candy your child collected (unless you eat them all and make your children very sad) but it is possible to at least vet them for major problems.

Buy or Rent Costumes That Have Reflective Stripes

It’s not unusual for the darkness that comes with night time to affect our vision, especially in huge crowds of people in costumes. It can be even harder to spot your child if there are other kids wearing similar costumes. When buying your child a costume, try to find one that has reflective signs, or are brighter or unique. If there are no such options, buy reflective or shine stripes separately and tape them to the costume.

Review Information and Accessories with Your Kids

If your kids are going to trick-or-treat by themselves or with a group of friends, review what is allowed and expected of them. Review the route, explain how to call 911 and other important numbers if needed, tell them that they should not enter anyone's houses to get treats, agree on the time they should be back home, and other important information. Don't forget to pack them with accessories that may come in handy: flashlights, batteries, a charged phone with saved contact number etc.

Prepare Your Home for a Successful Halloween

The same way you want your kids to have a fun, worry-free Halloween night, you want other kids to as well! Prepare your home for trick or treaters. If you decide not to participate, leave the candies outside or simply put up a sign saying you're not participating in the event. If you do wish to be a part of it, take any dangerous things away from your door entrance, like garden hoses or bikes, and make sure your lights are on. Also, consider putting up a couple of Halloween decorations so kids will feel more welcomed!

Plan a Gathering with GameTruck

Go one step further to ensure that your child has the best Halloween ever and plan a party or gathering! GameTruck parties come equipped with our air-conditioned trucks, multiple flat screen TVs, and all the best games and consoles. Plan your next event with GameTruck San Jose by visiting our website or calling us today at (866) 253-3191.

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