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Hosting A Video Game Party Over Spring Break 2019

Spring break is THE time to host a video game party. Awesome weather, a week off from school, and all of your friends are home, too! What better time to have friends over for an epic party filled with games, good times, and fun?!

 Pick Your Games

Of course, you probably already have some games that you like to play with your friends. Maybe you were lucky enough to score the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! What characters have you been playing? We love Kirby and Piranha Plant! Fighting games work well at gaming parties because matches only take a few minutes. You can switch quickly among friends, and those who aren’t playing won’t have to wait long in case of a rematch. First person shooters, anyone? If you have more than one console, you can form massive teams! Sports games always have multiplayer, and they’re a true test of your skills. But sometimes, the games can take way too long. You can try switching players each quarter if your friends don’t want to wait!

Buy Your Food

Plan ahead! You’re going to need plenty of tasty snacks and drinks to ensure that your party goes on all night long. It’s important to buy your snacks before the party begins to avoid interruptions. Admit it - that 15 minute trip to the store always takes longer than you plan when your buds tag along. You can ask your friends to bring their favorite gaming fuel. That way, everyone is a contribution. The kinds of snacks you buy are important. Buy things that are easy to eat with one hand or that can be eaten between matches or cutscenes. Keep in mind, some one-handed snacks can be quite messy! Nothing is worse than Cheetos dust all over your controllers.  Also, stock up on plates, cups, and napkins. If you have the room, it might be a good idea to make a separate space for the snacks. A dedicated food area will be easier to clean up and keep the gaming zone clean, too.

Prepare Your Accessories

This should be a no-brainer. Make sure that all of your controllers are charged before your friends come over. Have extra controllers just in case. In case you missed it, check out our guide to what gaming accessories you might be missing out on! You can always encourage your friends to bring their favorite accessories and controllers as well. That way, your friends can’t accuse you of having broken controllers when they lose! Who likes a poor loser anyways?

Let’s Get This Party Started!

If you really want to make some memories, get in touch with us today! GameTruck parties are the way of the future; we come to you and do everything we can to bring the fun, the excitement, and good times! We’ll bring the consoles, 80+ of the latest, age-appropriate games, and room for up to 16 players at once! Contact us online today or give us a call at (866) 253-3191 to get started, together!

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