Virtual Gaming Party Press Release
Virtual Gaming Party Press Release announces the new offering of virtual gaming parties at GameTruck. The world leader in video game party entertainment.
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Set a ReminderIt is hard to believe it was 15 years ago that I started to work on GameTruck. Entrepreneurship is such a strange process. You can do all the homework, all the research (and you should) but there comes a point where an idea takes you by the heart and pulls you along. In this blog post, I'll share the story of GameTruck and how it has become a fantastic option for winter parties. Join me as we explore the exciting world of GameTruck and its year-round entertainment offerings.
I remember asking my wife after one particularly stressful night early in the history of the company, “Why did you let me do this?” She answered simply enough, “Because there was no stopping you.”
Creating the ultimate winter party experience.
I have written about my initial vision for the company many times in many places. In short, I was focused on recreating the environment I loved as a kid. Playing the best games with my best friends. Where I got lucky was that I also tried to design a party that met my wife’s needs as a parent.
It had to be simple, effortless, easy. It also had to be cool. Not just cool as in, wow that’s awesome! but temperature wise. I live in Arizona. Getting rid of heat is a big deal. If I wanted to operate a year-round business, I needed to have a way of managing the thermal load of a couple dozen kids, electronics, with the sun beating down on us.
From the very beginning our trailers were designed to be insulated.
Surprising Discoveries for Winter Parties.
What I didn’t think about, and provided to be interesting, is that isolating heat works in both directions. If you don’t want heat to get in, the same insulation can be used to keep heat from getting out.
When we sold our first franchises in California, so I wasn’t too worried about the weather. But when we opened a GameTruck franchise in New Jersey, I was nervous about the winter. Turns out, I didn’t need to be. Come to find out, a mobile video game theater works just great in the winter!
The decision to make our units self-contained and climate-controlled ensured the safety and enjoyment of kids throughout the year, making winter parties a breeze.
When I saw the first pictures of people have a GameTruck party in the winter snow I was floored. It turned out the kids, who are used to going to school all year in the snow, had no trouble running from their front door to the trailer to play video games. And the same conditions that made GameTruck loved by parents everywhere still applied.
The kids were home, but not in the house. The parents could hang out and enjoy themselves knowing their kids were safe with our expert Game Coaches have the time of their lives. The weather was the least of the problems. In fact, it was almost never a problem at all! Over the last decade and half, we have had more problems about showing up than not showing up.
You see, GameTruck owners take showing up for a child’s birthday seriously. If the roads have been plowed, chances are, our owners are going to be there. That is why it is always a good idea to check your messages and email the day before you party.
You should never assume we will not show up because the weather is bad. Kids are born in all months of the year, which means GameTruck, (unlike a lot of other mobile concepts), also works in all 12 of those months.
At its core, GameTruck was always about providing private parties as an alternate to the mad crowds and expensive carnival games of the family entertainment center.
We've taken it a step further with GameTruck@Home, where you don't even need to step outside your house for a winter party. We can deliver pre-sanitized video game consoles loaded with fantastic games, allowing you to enjoy gaming in the comfort of your own home during the winter season. Friendships are forged and strengthened through shared experiences, and GameTruck ensures that making friends doesn't stop just because it's cold outside. Making friends does not stop just because it gets cold outside.
Neither does GameTruck.
So whether it's Nintendo Switch, XBox One, or Playstation 4 (in your home or in the trailer), our team is ready to bring your friends and family the best party experience ever no matter the reason or season!
We welcome you as both a returning and brand new customer.
Now, there’s only one thing left to do. Fill out a form or give us a call to book your event today!
You might even get a few great smiles and some long lost laughter you’ve been longing for...
Scott Novis | Founder
If you're interested in booking a GameTruck party for your next event, visit our website at
Check out our Winter Fun for Families – 9 Affordable Ideas for more!
Our latest tips, insights, and news on parenting, family, and gaming.
Virtual Gaming Party Press Release announces the new offering of virtual gaming parties at GameTruck. The world leader in video game party entertainment.
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