If you've ever tried to organize a video game night for kids or adults, you know finding enough controls and couch space, along with games that everyone can agree on, is a bit of a challenge.Thankfully, GameTruck offers a solution for those who want the whole experience to arrive at the front door. Gametruck provides a trailer full of modern games, televisions and enough couch space to accommodate everyone. GameTruck was started in 2005 as a children's birthday party solution. Since then, it's expanded to more than 80 franchises around the country that provide services for kids' and adults' parties, as well office retreats. New York City's GameTruck operator Ben Filippi says the truck is stocked with games to serve all ages. He says younger kids tend to gravitate toward Nintendo games and sports franchises, while the adults hop on M-rated shooters. Two of the televisions raise out of the sides of the truck so that people standing outside can play motion games like Just Dance 4. "We try to keep our selection really modern," Filippi says. The truck that visited Mashable had a Wii U on one of its six televisions. Filippi also serves as a "game coach," making sure everyone knows how to play before he passes out the controls. All that the GameTruck needs from you is a place to park, and Filippi says that even though it might be a challenge in New York, he's done plenty of events in the city. The GameTruck costs around $300 for two hours of rental. The Mashable staff spent time playing inside the New York City-area GameTruck. Check out the video above to see the interior. Image by Mashable, Emil Lendof Click here to view the entire article.
GameTruck Brings the Gaming Party to Your Doorstep
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