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As I sit here this morning writing this over coffee, my birthday boy is next to me telling me last night was the “best birthday party ever.” The party he is referring to; Game Truck; an amazing green and black truck filled with every video game a gamer could ask for. Game Truck is a complete video game party brought direct to your door step. Each truck comes equipped with Wii, Xbox 360 and Play Station 3 consoles. You are given a choice of over three dozen of the latest video games and you can cater to any age appropriate party. Prior to the children boarding the bus, I met with the staff and chose age appropriate selections for the wall. Everything from Skylanders, to Wii resort, to a vast selection of Mario Brothers were there for the picking. The children were so excited; waiting by the window to be told it was time to board. As my birthday boy stepped onto the truck, he was greeted by two Game Coaches and wall to wall video game choices. All the children lined up and sat down along the truck-long couches and were given a quick orientation of all the fun they were in store for. There are 4-5 giant flat screen HDTVs with consoles all set up for each one. In the corner, Skylander’s Giants was set up (my son’s personal favorite) and in the front, there was plenty of space for a “dance floor.” Players can play against friends, in teams or at the same time. Our two Game Coaches kept everyone busy, going from group to group changing games, helping with the set up and adjusting game controllers. They were friendly, experienced and had the video game enthusiasm to make the party a complete success. Our party had a range of ages from 4 to 10 years old and the Game Coaches were able to provide a selection that brought smiles to everyone’s face. Two hours flew by in what felt like seconds and I can certainly say my 7-year-old would have stayed on the bus for two more. It must be said that the day of our party we were greeted with terribly inclement weather and the Game Truck did not let us down. I was so thrilled that they made the trip out to us regardless of the snow, ice and rainy conditions. In addition, the local branch owner was in touch with me the day before, a few hours prior and even the next day with information and feedback. Everyone was excited and I even overheard a few kids tell their parents, “I want Game Truck for my birthday.” I would recommend this party to any parent with a video game enthusiast like my son. Thank you Game Truck; you made my little guy’s day and we will never forget it. In closing, a quote direct from the birthday boy: “That was the coolest party ever mom; thanks for getting me Game Truck.”