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Four Board Games That Are Actually Educational

Playing video games is a great way to improve your multitasking and problem-solving skills, but it’s normal to change up your entertainment routine every once in a while. Why not take it old-school and pull out some board games? While some of us ditched board games when we were kids, they’re actually a great way to enrich our lives while learning new things at the same time. They’ll also give you a chance to bond with the family members or friends who you're playing with. At GameTruck Jacksonville, we love all kinds of games. Here are our top four board games that are actually educational.

1. Clue

When you're playing Clue, you’re required to use your best detective skills.What you may not realize is that the game actually helps you with logic and reasoning. Because you form theories about what happened and who’s guilty, you’re learning how to better use deductive reasoning.

2. Monopoly

Depending on your patience levels, Monopoly may be your idea of a fun night or sound like a nightmare. Regardless of whether you love a game famous for feeling like it'll never end, you’ll still benefit from playing. When you're playing Monopoly, you're using real-world skills, like knowing the value of money and investing it wisely.

3. Boggle

Boggle is similar to Scrabble because it involves vocabulary skills. However, Boggle also teaches you how to think quickly in stressful situations because you only have three minutes to come up with as many words as you can. Anyone who has held a high-pressure job can tell you the benefits of working well under stress.

4. Scrabble

Whether you're a person of a few words or have an encyclopedic knowledge of the English language, Scrabble is a great game to play. No matter how many words you already know, you'll leave the game with a larger vocabulary than you started with. Your fellow players might play obscure words in hopes of winning it all, but everyone benefits from the game. We hope that you have fun digging out some old board games and becoming smarter in the process. You can host the ultimate game night by booking GameTruck Jacksonville for a mobile video gaming party. Our one-of-a-kind events allow everyone who attends to have an unforgettable time. Give us a call today at 866-253-3191 or click here for a free quote.

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