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BubbleSoccer Extravaganza this Spring!

It’s spring, so it’s warming up here in Jacksonville! Of course, our GameTruck video game parties are a lot of fun, but it is important for children to get outside and start playing. Here is an in-depth look at one of the other exciting experiences from GameTruck that will get your children away from the screen and into the beautiful Florida sunshine.

What is BubbleSoccer?

BubbleSoccer, also known as BubbleFootball or BubbleBall, is a game just like soccer except played with inflatable bubbles that surround the players. It is played either inside or outside. The ball covers the upper body and leaves the legs exposed, so the players can run and jump. At GameTruck, we transform your yard or local park into a 25’x50’ BubbleSoccer Arena with five players on each team. Just like soccer, the object is to get the ball into the goal. Unlike soccer, players have fun bouncing off their friends and rolling around on the ground.

How Did it Start?

BubbleSoccer started in 2011 in Norway on a comedy sports show called Golden Goal. It didn’t really take off until 2014 when a video of an Italian BubbleSoccer game was uploaded on YouTube. You can see from the video, it’s just as fun to watch as it is to play! After the video, BubbleSoccer started popping up all over the world from parks to college campuses and indoor soccer fields!

Is it Safe?

This is the number one question that we get from parents. BubbleSoccer is a contact sport; therefore, safety is our #1 priority. While there are risks involved, our trained GameCoaches supervise the event to make sure everyone is having a safe and fun time. There are rules against illegal tackles like tripping, grabbing, and kicking. Also, players are only allowed to try to knock down the player with the ball. Our bubbles come in three different sizes, so there is a right fit for everyone.

What are the Rules?

The game is played with rules similar to Soccer. The object of the game is to score more goals than your opponent. However, some of the more complex rules of soccer, like offside rules, are removed to make the game easier to play. To keep the players safe, there are rules against illegal hits. A player cannot know down another player without the ball, and a player cannot prevent another player from getting up.

Schedule Your Game of BubbleSoccer Today!

GameTruck Jacksonville can create a safe, unforgettable BubbleSoccer experience. Our trained GameCoaches will supervise your event, so parents can have fun watching! Call us today at (866) 253-3191 for a free quote or fill out our online form for pricing and availability.

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